Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Pokemon Comics

This is what I find myself doing during fall break.. Looking up Pokemon comics all night. (Which, btw, I take no credit for these, I just thought I would share.)


Hey everyone, I am trying to win a scholarship, I've done the hard part, now the easy part is left up to you. Please, please vote for me, I really need to money for school next year, and it only requires two clicks out of you. One to go to the link, and one to vote for my essay. I know you probably don't care, but it takes almost no time out of your day. So please, take the minute to vote for me.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Panem October

Who here has read The Hunger Games? Well if you haven't I suggest you do, and if you are already fan join If you are too lazy to do either, do me a favor and scan my I.D. card? All it requires is a smart phone and it will take a few moments of your time.

Thanks everyone!