Wednesday, October 1, 2014

New Blogging Direction

While my blog has never been religiously followed, or probably ever read for that matter, this title is quite unnecessary, for if I am to gain followers from my new posts, they will have zero knowledge on my previous posts.
I started college with so much positivity and excitement in life, but I was slowly dragged down by reality and my happiness started dwindling at an alarming rate.
Starting college when you are an extremely shy person is HARD. If you were born with the confidence to meet new people, embrace that feeling, because being an over thinking, self destructive, anxiety driven individual, change is terrifying.
I was leaving all of my friends that had taken years to accumulate, and shoved into a room with strangers, and I was expected to flourish in this new environment.
Unfortunately, this new environment showed me one thing, how incredibly different I am than most people my age.
While everyone was out socializing, and starting their new life, I was locked in my dorm room with homework, video games, and whatever novel I had latched onto that week. On Friday, I promptly packed my things and traveled home for the weekend to resume some form of normalcy. Then every Sunday was tears and late night packing as I prepared to start the process over again.
The years following proved to have no improvement on my social interactions, but in fact I was becoming more of a recluse. I had moved off to an apartment to live with my brother and three cats, leaving my house for class, work, and the occasional computer club meeting.
My friends back home had started new lives, and every friend I made in my new home could never achieve the level of comfort I made with my old friends before they were moving on as well.
I started to accept my loneliness, and gave up on making new friends. I started working from home, took all of my classes online, and even bought a home gym so that I could escape social interaction on campus.
And this is where I am now.
While the college experience jump started this lonely new life, I have nobody to blame but myself. I have let my social anxiety build to such a level, that the idea of leaving my comfort zone is unbearable.
The thought of hanging out with new people drives me to panic attacks.
And as a result, I have fallen into such a deep depression, that fighting to get out is becoming exhausting. The fight in me is giving out.
This is me, finally admitting, that I need help.